
Jazz & Roots Music Festival
The Lawn at Enlow Hall

Jazz and Roots Music Festival

Sat, Sep 21, 2024
- Sat, Sep 21, 2024
@ 3:30 pm
A man and a woman are captured mid-dance in a dramatic tango pose. The man, dressed in a sleek black suit, holds the woman firmly, showcasing his strong and focused expression. The woman, wearing a sparkling blue dress with long, white gloves, has her hair styled in a high ponytail and looks intensely at her partner.
Wilkins Theatre

Tango Lovers

Sat, Oct 5, 2024
- Sat, Oct 5, 2024
@ 7:30 pm
A man is shown in profile against a vibrant blue background. He has dark skin and wears multiple silver hoop earrings in his left ear. His face is adorned with intricate white face paint that forms geometric patterns, including a prominent zigzag design. He has long, braided hair. Around his neck, he wears a large, coiled metal neck ring, reminiscent of traditional African adornments. His expression is calm and focused, highlighting the artistic and cultural elements of his appearance.
Wilkins Theatre

Cirque Kalabanté

Sun, Oct 27, 2024
- Sun, Oct 27, 2024
@ 7:00 pm
LeAnn with long, wavy blonde hair, wearing a wide-brimmed beige hat. She is dressed in a denim jacket over a white blouse. Her right hand is gently touching the brim of her hat, while her left hand rests near her face, showcasing a delicate ring on her finger. She gazes directly at the camera with a calm and confident expression. The background is dark and blurred, highlighting her as the focal point of the image.
Wilkins Theatre

LeAnn Rimes

Sat, Nov 9, 2024
- Sat, Nov 9, 2024
@ 7:30 pm


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