Our mission

The mission of Kean Stage, known as TMPO (Theatre Management and Programming Office) as well, is to present a diverse array of professional cultural programs to supplement the intellectual life of the classroom, increase opportunities for community and university interaction, and provide affordable access to the arts for central and northern New Jersey students and residents.

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Our history

Short Timeline
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Wilkins Theatre

Completed in 1963, Wilkins Theatre was named after college President Eugene Wilkins, who retired in 1969.

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Gene & Shelley Enlow Recital Hall

A 5,000-square foot, 314-seat concert hall designed to showcase renowned musicians in an intimate setting and situated on Kean’s East Campus in Hillside, completed in 2009.

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Steve Cochran
joins us

Steve starts his new post as manager of Kean Stage and implements major changes: ADA improvements, masterclasses, interdepartmental collaborations and a design overhaul.

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The Bauer Boucher Theatre Center

Siblings, and long-time supporters of the arts at Kean, W. John Bauer and Nancy Boucher, make a major gift on behalf of Premiere Stages. The theatre wing of Vaughn Eames Hall is designated is renamed.

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Virtual Programming

The 2019-20 season is paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, Kean Stage successfully transitions to outdoor and virtual programming.


Kean Stage offers truly inspiring and creative programming. The theaters are comfortable and inviting. Kudos to the wonderful Kean Stage!

Jodi Kaplan

Arts Agent


Connect with us

Join the conversation about all things @KeanStage on social media. Use #KeanStage to interact with us!